ant physical communi- cation

knowledgeable ants do not transfer information about the direction of a food source to naive, outgoing ants

For my Bachelor’s thesis, I worked with Dr. Tomer Czaczkes (Univ. Regensburg) on the question whether ants who are on their way back to the nest from a food source can tell outgoing, naive ants, whether to go left or right at a fork in the way. After carefully providing the best circumstances for this to happen, we concluded that Lasius niger ants do not possess this ability. However, to solidify this null result, we collaborated with Dr. Elva Robinson and Dr. Philipp Buckham-Bonnet, at the University of York, to repeat the experiment in a different lab with a slightly different setup, and a closely related species (Lasius neglectus). We combined these two datasets with that of a very similar study by Dr. Sophie E. F. Evison to conclude with high certainty that this type of ant does not convey directional information to naive ants on a foraging trail via physical contact. (Popp et al., 2018)

Left: Study species at a feeder, marked with paint (credit Tomer Czaczkes), Middle: illustration of the setup, Right: results (no effect of the interaction with the knowledgeable ant)



  1. lasius_prev.webp
    No evidence for tactile communication of direction in foraging Lasius ants
    S. Popp , P. Buckham-Bonnett , S. E. F. Evison , and 2 more authors
    Insectes Sociaux, Feb 2018